If you were asked, “What is in your network, how does it work, does it work as intended and how did it work yesterday?”, would you be able to quickly and accurately provide answers?

Network Assurance for Intent Based Networks
Axians and IP Fabric take a vendor neutral approach to network assurance, we provide a platform that automates the holistic discovery, verification, visualisation and documentation of large-scale enterprise networks. This approach reduces the associated costs and resources whilst improving security, efficiency and time to resolve. Having a platform that supports your engineering and operations teams, underpinning migration and transformation project delivery, our customers have improved network planning, testing and troubleshooting capability.
Is your network functioning as intended?
Like to know more about how your network is functioning with Axians IP Fabric Network Discovery?
Imagine if you could discover your network and its state in the blink of an eye!
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Next-Generation Network Operations
Benefits of Network Assurance
Axians Network Discovery with IP Fabric
IMAGINE IF YOU COULD DISCOVER YOUR NETWORK AND ITS STATE IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE – If you want a tool that rapidly and automatically discovers your whole network; creates an inventory and builds a visual topology of the current network, we have the tooling and expertise to make this a reality.
Powerful Documentation
MAKE DOCUMENTATION ACCURATE AND EASY – By having a device inventory that includes up to several thousand recorded data points per device and presents them in an easy to understand and shareable manner, you can own the network. Our aim is to make network documentation easy to consume and provide a valuable resource for audit and compliance.
Foundation of Automation
ORGANIZATIONS WANTING TO AUTOMATE REPEATABLE NETWORK PROCESSES NEED A SOLID FOUNDATION – Automation or Intent Based Networking projects, start with the detailed data collection that reflects your network’s current state, enabling you to make decisions and validate outcomes. Axians consultants have the tooling and expertise to deliver automation projects.
Service Efficiency
OUR AIM IS TO IMPROVE NETWORK EFFICIENCY, MINIMIZE DOWNTIME AND SIMPLIFY TROUBLESHOOTING – You can achieve this by using tooling that quickly and accurately discovers the network, and centrally identifies single points of failure, policy or functional inconsistencies that can cause costly errors or outages.
WHAT QUESTIONS WOULD YOU ASK YOUR NETWORK? – Axians can integrate IP Fabric with chat applications and provide a simple and intuitive way to query your environment using natural language. This allows users to gain insightful information about many different aspects of your network from inventory information to verifying traffic flows via chat applications such as Slack and Teams.
Network Clarity
MAKING RAPID NETWORK EXPANSION OR CHANGE IMPLEMENTATION SIMPLE SO YOUR NETWORK SCALES WITH YOUR BUSINESS – By creating a snapshot of the network pre- and post-change validation, and having a complete visualisation of your network, you can clearly see changes and their effect on the whole network and service.
Data Democratization
DEMOCRATISE ACCESS TO DATA – By providing an accurate single point of reference for network information that also integrates with other solutions, you can securely share sensitive network information, breaking down silos and ensuring data democratisation.
Security Redefined
INCREASE NETWORK SECURITY TO MINIMISE VULNERABILITIES OR DATA LOSS – Our network assurance platform automatically highlights unwanted bypasses and policy violations and ensures your security posture is behaving as intended, making your network less susceptible to intrusions.
Potential Unlocked
UNLOCK THE HIDDEN POTENTIAL OF YOUR NETWORK OPERATIONS ECOSYSTEM – With a powerful API and Webhook capabilities, our solution can be the cornerstone for realising the full value of your current network operations toolset. Through integrating your network tools, organisations can create a powerful flow of information which enables teams across functions to make the right decisions and derive new value from standalone tools.
Like to know more about how your network is functioning with Axians IP Fabric Network Discovery?
Imagine if you could discover your network and its state in the blink of an eye!

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Find out how you could discover your network and its state in the blink of an eye!