What is NaaS?
Network as a Service (NaaS) definition
Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) describes the provision of network connectivity (CPE, design and deployment) and associated enterprise network services (monitoring, management, support, updates and innovation) as a complete SLA governed end-to-end service through a fixed cost subscription (OPEX) finance model. It differs from a pure managed service as ownership of the hardware, software and licenses are retained by the provider, not the end user, which means the provider is responsible for the day-to-day operation and continuous improvement of the network.

Network as a Service (NaaS) is an important milestone in the evolution of the customer-centric business.
As business becomes more aware of social responsibility and continues to drive customer centric services, we recognise that it needs to engage with different kinds of complexity. For many organisations outsourcing core business operations is now more common place, the very same can apply to the network.
We use standards-based technology and guarantee the supply and functionality of branch and campus networks to an agreed service level performance. Standardising to network profiles simplifies change cost, eases business expansion programs and accommodates for future transformation initiatives.

Axians Cloud-Managed NaaS Solution
The Axians cloud-managed NaaS solution provides a scalable way to support, maintain, expand, and secure your network with cloud integration, security, switching, Wi-Fi, management, monitoring, and auto VPN.
What is NaaS (Network-as-a-Service) offered by Axians?
If we consider that once the only way to buy music was on physical vinyl, cassette or CD, for a one off cost. Today many of us subscribe to Spotify for a fixed monthly fee and are quite happy to not own the physical asset anymore.
When it came to CD’s, cassettes and Vinyl, what you purchased is what you got, ‘X’ number of tracks and the album artwork, nothing more. But with our Spotify subscription (pretty much similar to the cost of an ‘old’ album) we have access to a huge library of track listings, mixes, artists, information and services that we once could not have imagined.
Spotify gets to know us, it makes artist recommendations based on our listening and track download profile, it continually updates and improves it‘s service, Spotify feels personal.
Remember how we used to take music on holiday? Cloud applications have really come in to their own here!
It is also interesting how we think about gas, water and electricity. We consume them every day but don’t ever consider that we need to own them, we just pay a quarterly fee and expect the service to be there. More and more, we don’t need to own the physical asset in order to access the products and services we need to run our lives.
The corporate network is no different.
Network as a Service or NaaS is not a revolution. So what is Naas? It is the logical evolution of ‘Everything as a Service’.

Your organisation no longer needs to own, run or maintain the physical network assets.
An elastic infrastructure model, such as NaaS means you no longer need to pay for assets or licences you don’t use. If you add a site, we add the functionality, if you remove a site, we remove the functionality, so no more writing down or storing of redundant hardware and licences.

You focus on your business, we’ll focus on the network
Today’s IT manager should be able to look at a network dashboard that provides them with up to the minute reliable information that breeds confidence and reassurance that the network is performing as required. No longer bogged down with bugs and fixes, network outages, resource and skill limitations, the IT manager can focus on delivering applications to drive user experiences that underpin positive business outcomes.

Everything-as-a-Service model (XaaS)
An increasing number of companies are switching over to an Everything-as-a-Service model (XaaS) for their IT environment which includes NaaS. In a study carried out by Deloitte, those managers questioned not only stated cost benefits as a reason, but also increased agility. Network as a Service (NaaS) reinforces these aspects and brings IT managers and board members closer together. More predictable network costs mean greater budget control