Outsourcing technology to deliver business opportunities with IT managed services
In the face of ever-increasing competition and new ways of working, successful organisations need seamless service delivery and to exceed all stakeholders expectations to deliver the very best results. Axians UK is a technology and IT managed services partner that delivers transformative technology solutions that will enable you to embrace change and accelerate your ambitions in today’s ever-changing world.
Whether it’s tried-and-tested as a managed security services platforms and infrastructure or cutting-edge innovation in the cloud, we commit to customer excellence and invest in long-term thinking. The strength of Axians’ global network, combined with local UK expertise, means you can rely on our incredible people to deploy technology that achieves critical operational outcomes, wherever you are and whatever you need.

The best outcomes come from listening
We start with the challenge you’re faced with. What are you looking to achieve from a technical, operational and strategic perspective? We then set about aligning the right IT managed services package technology and the process to deliver that outcome.
At Axians, we see relationships as a journey: where do you need to go next and how can we help you get there? A partnering mindset, built on trust, is so important for mitigating risk down the road.
“Everything comes down to relationships. We may work in technology, but we are a true people business. Exceeding expectations is critical for customer satisfaction and building new opportunities together over time.”
Dan McGeorge
Managed Services Director

Maintaining the correct level of resources and finding the balance between key staff working on strategic technical initiatives and being available on a 24hr basis is not an easy task. Axians will help you find this balance and free up key staff to focus on strategic business goals and objectives.

Experience the difference with IT managed services
As society adapts to new ways of working, network stability and secure availability of business-critical applications is becoming ever more important for employee productivity and customer retention.
By utilising Axians IT managed services and managed security services we reduce the potential disruption to strategic technical initiatives and operational services. Instead of a cause for concern, your IT will strengthen your business resilience and help protect the reputation of your brand.
Understanding your needs is key to providing a good service. That’s why we’re passionate about listening to your aspirations and challenges, so we deliver the right outcomes, whether that’s a silent network, increased revenue or retention, or cost reductions.
It’s also why we invest time in researching the latest, disruptive solutions that will keep us, you and your customers ahead of the curve. Our people bring a combination of frontline experience and individual drive to fix customer problems. As part of the wider Axians network and the VINCI Group, you can also rely on a global level of support for all your IT managed services requirements.

Incredible people, driving forward our IT managed services
Wherever your organisation sits on the tech adoption curve, Axians can help you get more from your network. We bring extensive experience of delivering resilient, secure and scalable networks for private sector SMEs and large enterprises. Our people bring a combination of frontline experience and individual drive to fix customer problems. We can also rely on a global level of experience, as part of the VINCI Group. There’s always somebody who knows the answer. Networks go down. It’s a fact of business. We have tried and tested processes to get them back up and running. We don’t panic and we never leave a project unfinished. That’s our Axians promise.